Zwei Fotos wurden von meiner Gastschwester Alexandra aus diesem Post gemacht. Auch sie macht wunderschöne Fotos und ihre Fotoseite auf Facebook ist auf jeden Fall einen Blick wert!
Today's post (I know, it's almost scary that I am suddenly posting a lot) I am going to show you photos of my sweet little sister Bente you might already know from this post. She is my model for "water", another word from the 50f project. And she was incredibly patient, waiting for me to finish her make-up and pick out her outfit, going into the lake with me even though it was icy cold and making the neighbours think of us as "the crazy ones" once again. They actually noticed us walking around with the couch last time I shot with Bente. Oops.
Two of the photos have been taken by my guestsister Alexandra from this post. She also makes beautiful pictures and you should definitely check out her facebook photo page!
This photo was taken by Alexandra. |
This photo is from Alexandra. |
Ich hoffe, euch haben die Fotos gefallen! Ich schreibe morgen und übermorgen jetzt erst einmal meine letzten Klausuren für dieses Halbjahr und dann ist bald mein Geburtstag, yippie! In 18 Tagen, um genau zu sein!
I hope you liked the photos! Tomorrow and on Friday I have my two final exams for this schoolyear and in 18 days I am finally turning 17! Yehaw!
hihi <3 danke <3
AntwortenLöschenWow, those feather-lashes look gorgeous!