Ich war in London und bin verliebt. Verliebt in die Stadt, ihre Menschen, ihr Verkehrssystem, ihren britischen Akzent, ihre Höflichkeit, ihre Gebäude, ihre Museen, ihre Kunst, ihre Geschichte und ihre Parks. Hier folgt eine reine Bilderflut. Das war's dann auch mit Urlaubsfotos, versprochen.
I went to London and fell in love. In love with the city, its people, its traffic system, its British accent, its politeness, its buildings, its art, its history and its parks.
These are the last holiday photos, I promise.
Sculpture by Giacometti in the Tate Modern. |
Nerd and proud. |
Needless to say that she's my best friend now. |
What can I say? It's Shakespeare. |
My new gang. Have to do something about the hair though. |
Yup. I totally updated my new bestie Elizabeth on everything whilst staying at the White House with Obama. Nothing unusual. |
I was seriously bored when my dad decided to take a nap in St. James Park. |
I honestly don't have a clue what this is. I just liked it for some reason. It's to be found in the V&A. |
The ceiling of the Queen's Theatre. I went to see Les Misérables, oh yeah. It was bloody brilliant. |
Yes, this did actually happen. It's me and Carrie after Les Mis. I met her and it was the best day in my boring life. For those of you who don't know her: She's youtuber and also currently stars in Les Mis as Eponine. She's brilliant. |
Okay, das war's. Ich melde mich bald mit ein paar 50f Ergebnissen. Küsschen,
Okay, that's it. You'll hear from me as soon as I finished my work on the new 50f results. Kisses,
Tolle Bilder und scheint eine schöne Zeit gewesen zu sein. Hab mich gefreut, wieder einen Post von dir auf meinem Dashboard zu sehen.
AntwortenLöschenLiebst, Carolin ♥